😱Healthy fats are essential need in our diet to fulfill vitamin A,D, E, and K which also has omega fatty acids, which have help us in anti inflammatory, antioxidant and antibiotic properties.
💯There are 4 different kinds of fats out there. Saturated fats are unhealthy mainly found in processed foods, dairy and meat. Unsaturated fats are derived from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Mono which means it has one chemical bond in structure which is easily digested and dissolved but on the other hand poly has more bonds in structure so it takes a while to break it down. Examples are omegas.
Trans fats are also saturated fats can be problematic if you consumes too much easy to get high cholesterol, mainly found in hydrogenated vegetable oils.
✅Here is the list of healthy vegan fats:
Chia Seeds omegas-3
Flaxseeds more omegas-3 than 6
Coconut Oil can cause change in LDL and HDL cholesterol levels
Nuts proteins
Nut Butters unsaturated fats
Hemp Seeds Onegas-3
Cacao antioxidants
Avocados or oils HDL and LDL cholesterol levels
Tahini is very high on calcium and antioxidants
Olive Oil unsaturated fats can be monounsaturated fats.
🤗In short try to include fats which are unsaturated fats including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Which are derived from plant source not harmful to our body. Minimize the intake of saturated and trans fat because they can cause serious health consequences. Please follow these if you are serious on taking care of your health.
#health #oils #saturated #mono #poly #unsaturated #fats #harmful #healing #chronic #HDL #LDL #cholesterol
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