Ragda Pani Puri
Serves 4 People
Gathering: 10 minutes
Final Product: 120 minutes
Ingredients: 15 cup dry green peas soaked overnight in 2 8oz water, 1 Swad whole wheat Pani Puri packet, 1 white onion, 1 cup of dry oats noodles, cilantro as you need, 4 cups green spicy Pani, 1 cup Swad store bought tamarind chutney, 2 cups vegan almond yogurt, boondi from the packet is optional.
Vagar: 1 tablespoon avocado oil, ¼ teaspoon mustard seeds and cumin seeds, salt, 4 chopped curry leaves, 1 tablespoon red chili powder and coriander powder and ¼ tablespoon turmeric, 1 chopped purple onion, 1 chopped tomato.
Preparation: Cook the green peas first Complete the vagar Then add the peas and mix everything together Let everything marry with each other for 2-3 minutes.
Green Pani: Grind 3 green chilies, ¼ bulk of cilantro, 1 bulk of mint, and add 2 8oz glass water Then add 1 teaspoon Himalayan salt and 1 tablespoon Pani Puri masala
Final Puri: Take wheat Puris and spray cooking oil on both sides, air fry it at 400 for 3 minutes Now make a hole in the middle of the Puri and add your green pea mixture with green chili Pani, Swad tamarind and date chutney, vegan yogurt (almond), chopped white onion, boondi (optional), dry oats noodles for crunch, and chopped cilantro