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🌞Check out this article to find out which sunscreen is right for you. EWG standers carefully looks over unwanted chemicals to in save you from direct sunlight. They have top rated, best seller, kids, and adults sunscreen list that might help you.

⭐️🕶️Wearing sunscreen doesn't cause having deficiency in Vitamin D. Staying indoors might cause deficiency. If want to block the direct sun light then avoid going outside from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Or wear sunglasses, big hat or sun proof light weighted, Breathable cloths.

🫶☀️Why and when did we start being affrraid of sun light. An estimated 7,990 people will die of melanoma in 2023. Of those, 5,420 will be men and 2,570 will be women. The vast majority of melanomas are caused by the sun.

❤️☀️Fifteen minutes of sun exposure is enough for you in a day and also spf 30 is more than enough. Here is the example of what I use.

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✅The list of clean ingredients not only helps me but excellent blend of natural oils helps to avoid any clogging. Mineral sunscreen plays an easy to apply and no greasyness or white cast on skin. Which also skin takes longer to absorb. So always guide to choose mineral over physical.

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