Let's celebrate this NINE days of NAVRATRI together to bring lightning in to our lives.
🤩Maa Durga May god help us to follow the path of righteousness. She teach us to always stand for right, even if it means going against your loved ones.
🕉️Awaken your inner strength: Goddess Durga is the epitome of power. She teach us to have faith in ourselves and believe in our inner strength.
🩷Spread love: she inspires us to be a beautiful person inside and spread love everywhere. It will overcome all negative emotions like haterade, jealousy, and anger.
🤔Keep learning: she teaches us to move towards our goals. Don't hesitate from learning something new. Keep updating yourself by enhancing new skills.
💯Be Positive: the Godess teach us to have positive approach in life. A positive and optimistic approach will remove all obstacles and bring success to your life.
🫶Live selflessly: she inspires us to offer our services to those who inneed without any expectation and anything in return!
🧿Have faith: hold on to your faith. Come what May! Life can throw you a curveball. Have faith during those times, and it will give you the strength to keep on going. It will carry you through sad times to happy ones.
#happy #navratri #to #all #may #all #understand #the #power #of #within #durga #kali #sarsvati #ma #all #forms #of #supreme #GOD
Please comment below for more inspiration from what you believe in that I can learn from you as well.