Ingredients: serves 4 (30 minutes)
1/2 Lettuce leaves cut into bite size
1/2 Red onion
4-5 Pepperoncini chilli peppers
2- Regular Roma Tomatoes
8-10 whole or sliced Black olives
1 cup Wheat or multigrain Croutons
1/2 cup Plantbased Parmesan cheese or you can skip it according to your diet.
Dressing 1 tablespoon Plantbased mayo made with olive oil, 2 tablespoon white vinegar, 1/4 cup organic extra vergion olive oil, salt, pepper and Italian searing with garlic powder.
Start out with lettuce in the bowl first then rest of the ingredients mix it well with the dressing. Fresh vegetables with same day made wheat crutons with freshly grated Plantbased cheese will bring magic to these recipe.
I hope you make it and enjoy it with your loved ones.
#govegan #healthy #soury #great #taste #flavorful #delicious #yummy #great #innovation #salad #musttry #enjoy
Let's make out festive season more healthy for everyone around us.