Physical Bullying: intentionally injuring or intimidating another person by striking, pinching, pushing, kicking or damaging their property.

Verbal Bullying: the use of abusive language or name calling, including remarks that are racist and homophobic.

Psychological Bullying: Intimidation or humiliation that negatively affects one's mental health and well-being.

Cyberbullying: repeatedly sending hurtful messages through social media, gaming platforms or chat rooms.

These chart were taken from mydisabilityjobs.com
Gives us simple and clear understanding on where we stand in 2023. 79.3 million people are affected my some sort of bullying episode in there life. Acknowledging it and seeking help makes it easier to deal with this kind of problems.
#bullying #cyber #physical #emotional #verbal #social #emotion #common #everyone #affected #by #this #seek #help #therapy
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