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Kinjal Patel
Nov 18, 20231 min read
Emotional eating Affirmation
What happens when you are emotionally (stressed out) dealing with something? Answer: Stress causes increase in cortisol hormone and that...
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Kinjal Patel
Nov 16, 20231 min read
Stop Overeating Affirmation
You can read it out loud, write it in your journal or listening to it may help overcome these bad habits. I am lovable. I deserve respect...
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Kinjal Patel
Oct 23, 20231 min read
Healing Spices
Healing Spices of winter season: Ginger: drinking ginger tea helps to treat headaches and upset stomach like nausea. Nutmeg: very...
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Kinjal Patel
Sep 13, 20231 min read
The real medicine
The real medicine hiding at your grocery store, in your kitchen or even in your back yard. ⭐️Star Anise: blood sugar regulation, immune...
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